How health helps you keep your New Year’s resolutions

Published on 24/01/2019

How health helps you keep your New Year’s resolutions

Now that the holiday season is over, the new year begins in earnest. With each new year, the return of routines goes hand in hand with making good resolutions. While we always focus on goals that will make us look better or achieve better financial results, why not focus more on goals that would improve our health? After all, as long as we are healthy, we can do a variety of things. That’s why we’ve selected a series of New Year’s resolutions for you, with tips you can apply every day to achieve your goals.

The water challenge: drink 1.5 liters of water per day

Of course, the quantity is scary, but why not take up this challenge by drinking 6 glasses of water spread throughout the day?
Many people find drinking water boring. To make this water more appetizing, you can add different ingredients that, in addition to the flavor, will contribute to the improvement of the different properties. Thus, a few drops of lemon will improve the depurative virtues of water, and will also help you eliminate liquids.
Also, if you drink a glass both before and after breakfast, lunch and dinner, you will only need to drink two or three glasses of water to meet your daily needs. It will also help you feel full and keep your weight under control.

More medical check-ups, less self-medication

Analgesics provide relief from pain, but it is important to weigh the potential benefits and risks, such as liver damage or injury, problems with fluid retention or increased blood pressure, and digestive problems.
If the pain is this severe, it is best to consult a specialist, who can suggest a more effective solution through a medical examination.
Many people are judgmental about people who go to the doctor for a simple flu, discomfort or minor pain. Yet, these people are unaware that periodic visits to the doctor are useful and necessary.
Currently, we tend to wait for a problem to appear before we finally decide to see the doctor to solve the problem.
This is a serious mistake. Indeed, by visiting the doctor regularly, it is possible to avoid contracting several diseases throughout the year. However, that doesn’t mean we won’t get the flu, for example. On the other hand, it would be possible to contract this virus only once a year, instead of four times.

Progressive physical exercises

The health benefits of physical activity are well documented. However, we didn’t say you had to jog first thing in the morning for 30 minutes. However, remember that everything is progressive, and that this physical activity must be adapted to your level, to your convenience, and to your preferences.
Don’t plan complicated physical activities. Start with basic, safe activities. So, schedule a daily walk at a time that is convenient for you, and then add additional challenges as you begin to gain some fitness. Impose this habit on yourself, and see what benefits you get from it. As additional physical activities, you can already plan spinning classes, running sessions, or Cross Fit exercises, but remember that what matters are the fundamentals. There’s no point in planning major sports activities if you won’t be able to stick to your goals. Consider signing up for a race or competition that involves a sporting challenge. If we register for a race or a sports league, we will be more motivated to train daily. Having a goal will always help us move.

Rest and relax

What do you like to do? A massage session? Going to the movies? Opt for a weekly whim that allows you to indulge in a few of these pleasures, and make sure you don’t break that rule.
Indeed, many diseases can appear after a prolonged period of stress. Do you think you lead a restless life? You may feel like your productivity is high, but you’re actually sacrificing your health. Try to find a balance, and consider a moment of relaxation as a necessary activity for your well-being, because the body also needs relaxation to function properly.

Adopt the “Slow Food” approach

Rediscover the pleasures of the table by taking the time to savor food. So don’t eat in a hurry, and enjoy your meal. This concept also emphasizes the need to avoid fast food, and to focus on more home-cooked, natural foods.
Small changes lead to big results. Rome was not built in a day. Instead of making drastic changes, try to change your eating behaviors a little at a time. Replace some processed foods with nutritious ones every week until you can gradually go without processed foods. A good way to do this is to prepare your shopping list before you leave home – and stick to it! Select the foods, and calculate the portions. It is interesting to note that if we give the body everything it needs according to our activity level and lifestyle, we will feel satisfied and have the energy we need.

Do not sit in front of a screen for more than 30 minutes at a time

One thing is for sure: there is no shortage of distractions in our digital world.
At any given moment, someone shares a photo with you, a message arrives on your cell phone, your client writes to you at eleven o’clock at night, or you spend your time watching stupid videos on Facebook.
The sedentary technological lifestyle is one of the great evils of this century. Thus, sitting for long periods of time is very harmful to our health. You may spend hours sitting, and then your legs suddenly start to hurt. On the other hand, your eyesight starts to get tired after viewing a slew of photos or videos on Instagram. For such activities, it is essential to set a time limit. It is advisable to get up and walk around every 30 minutes, or to do a minimum of exercise.

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