How to fill up on vitamins and minerals in winter?

Published on 15/01/2018

How to fill up on vitamins and minerals in winter_

How to fill up on vitamins and minerals in winter. LWinter is undoubtedly the season of a thousand and one pleasures: snowball fights, cups of tea by the fire, end-of-year celebrations, etc.surrounded by those whom you love.we like. Nevertheless, behind all these happy moments is also a zone of uncertainty.shadow : lack ofexposure to the sun due to the shortening days, lack of motivation to practice outdoor activities as the temperature drops, dry skin tightened by the cold, lack of variety in the fresh produce section of the supermarket, persistent feeling ofa lack ofenergy, inflammation and joint pain, seasonal flu and winter blues.
What to do? In addition to the need for regular airing and physical activity, you may want to consider taking a vitamin and mineral supplement to help you get through the winter. In fact, many illnesses that often occur in winter are due to mineral and vitamin deficiencies. That’s why, as winter approaches, it’s a good idea to adapt your shopping list to build up a reserve of foods and supplements rich in vitamins and minerals.

Why do you need winter vitamins?

Vitamins and minerals are essential nutrients for the body to function optimally and keep us healthy. Although they are needed in relatively small quantities, their importance is crucial in protecting us from disease. Although they are needed throughout the year, it is during the winter months that our bodies need them the most, because of the stress our bodies undergo during this season, which makes them more prone to colds, flu and other health problems.
While we can get these nutrients from our food (which is, of course, the best solution), some people need to take a vitamin supplement to ensure they get enough throughout the winter.
Here are some vitamins and minerals you should be taking in during the winter months.

Vitamins and minerals

#1: Vitamin C

Vitamin C is one of the main vitamins you will need during the winter. It contributes to the constitution of a sufficient protection by stimulating the immune system and, consequently, to fight effectively against colds and flu. Vitamin C also plays a key role in strengthening bones, detoxifying the body, maintaining skin and helping wounds to heal. They are mainly found in fresh fruits and vegetables. Since they are more scarce in winter, taking a vitamin C supplement may be necessary.

Main food sources of vitamin C

Potatoes, dark leafy greens, tomatoes, peppers, citrus fruits, kiwis, cranberries, broccoli, strawberries and many other fruits and vegetables.

#2: Vitamin D

Vitamin D comes from exposure to the sun. In winter, the days become shorter, which makes it more difficult to absorb this vitamin.
Vitamin D is essential for the strengthening of bones and the proper absorption of many metabolic products such as calcium. It is also what helps us to adopt a positive attitude and, therefore, to prevent depression.
A good way to get vitamin D is to expose yourself to the sun for at least 15 minutes in the middle of the day.
You can also take vitamin D2 – the synthetic version – on a daily basis. It is often found in calcium supplements.

Main food sources of vitamin D

Eggs, milk, butter, mushrooms, fatty fish or cod liver oil.

#3: Vitamin A

Vitamin A is necessary for the repair of tissues and thus the growth and the good development of the body. It also plays a central role in strengthening the immune system and maintaining good eyesight. Unless you’re pregnant, vitamin A will restore your eyes and make your skin glow, even in winter.

Main food sources of vitamin A

Egg yolks, fatty fish, carrots, milk, tomatoes, fortified margarine, liver, fatty fish such as tuna, sardines and herring, green leafy vegetables, apricots and mangoes.

#4: Vitamin E

Vitamin E is an antioxidant that protects cell membranes and keeps the skin supple and soft. The winter season tends to make your skin dry and flabby. You can moisturize your skin by mixing almond or avocado oils into your lotion.

Main food sources of vitamin E

The 2 main foods rich in vitamin E are nuts and oil. It is also found in grains and green leafy vegetables such as broccoli and cabbage.

#5: Iron

Iron not only keeps your immune system in top shape throughout the winter, it also gives you plenty of energy. It also carries oxygen throughout the body and, therefore, ensures that your organs are properly nourished.

Main food sources of iron

Dark leafy vegetables, poultry, beans, red meat, flour, lentils, seafood and dried fruits. The absorption of iron is also strongly optimized by the consumption of vitamin C.

#6: Zinc

Zinc helps you fight free radicals and the damage they cause. It is an antioxidant that contributes to tissue repair and hormonal balance, protects the immune system and aids digestion. Zinc deficiency can make you sick and tired during the winter season.

Main food sources of zinc

Beans, pumpkin seeds, spinach, nuts, beef and seafood.

#7: Folate and folic acid

Folate is a nutrient found naturally in foods, while folic acid is the synthetic version. Whichever version you choose, they will both have a positive influence on your mood, whether it’s during the busy season or the winter. It’s a perfect nutrient to help you overcome the winter blues.

Folate, or folic acid, is also able to help you prevent heart disease, cancer, diabetes and promotes cell growth.

Main food sources of folate and folic acid

Avocado, dark leafy greens, broccoli, beans, lentils, peas, nuts and seeds.

#8: Calcium

No winter without the snow shovel and … a double ration of sweets! For this reason, keep your bones and teeth healthy with calcium. It will protect your bones in case of a fall on the ice as well as your teeth, despite an overconsumption of sweets during the holiday season.

Main food sources of calcium

Milk, cheese, soybeans, tofu, green leafy vegetables like okra, broccoli and spinach.

#9: Selenium

Selenium is an essential mineral that belongs to the category of enzymes responsible for the defense of our body. It is particularly important for strengthening the immune system and protecting the prostate.

Main food sources of selenium

Meat, grains, Brazil nuts and fish.

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