How to fight against work fatigue

Published on 03/08/2018

How to fight against work fatigue

Fatigue at work

This is a feeling that many people experience in the workplace. Isn’t it nice to be able to take a little nap whenever you feel the need? However, this is far from the reality for most workers.
It is common to feel tired at work, whether you work full time, part time, during the day, or at night. Fatigue at work can affect your job performance, making your work less enjoyable. What’s more, this fatigue can even be dangerous in certain professions.
If you are one of those people who feel tired at work, or have trouble staying awake, and coffee doesn’t help, then we suggest you try some of these tips…

A short walk before starting work again

Moving around and getting some fresh air can help you stay awake. In addition, a walk will increase your alertness. Note however that it is preferable to go for a walk in the daylight.

A little nap before going to work

In most cases, it is somewhat impossible to take a nap at work. However, a nap before work can help you to be more alert. This should be taken seriously by shift workers, who are often required to work irregular or alternating hours. However, a short nap (even 15 to 20 minutes) can help you stay alert throughout your shift.

Take exercise breaks

Sitting or standing still for an extended period of time, such as at a cash register or desk, can cause fatigue. On the other hand, physical activity can help you think clearly and increase your alertness. If possible, give yourself a break after a few hours of work. So you can move around your office, or go up and down the building while answering a phone call.

Working in bright office spaces

If you are working during the day, make sure your window shades are not closed. If you work in a dark environment, or during dark periods, turn on the lights. This will help keep you alert and awake.

Drinking water

A temporary boost of energy can be obtained by sipping a coffee. However, it is much healthier to drink water, which is also more effective in boosting your alertness level, because dehydration can affect concentration at work.

Caffeine, but to be consumed at the beginning of the shift

You can increase your alertness by drinking caffeine at the beginning of your shift. However, this caffeine should only be consumed at the beginning of your shift. Indeed, taking caffeine too late can affect your ability to fall asleep after work.

Snacks at your fingertips

Eating healthy snacks throughout the day can help you maintain your blood sugar levels throughout the day. Therefore, eat foods that contain a healthy combination of fats, carbohydrates, and protein. Here are some examples of healthy snacks:

    • Yogurt and granola
    • Whole wheat crackers and peanut butter
    • Cheese and baby carrots
    • Fruits and nuts

Do not consume beverages and foods that contain added sugar, such as sodas, energy bars, and candy.

Tackle the simplest tasks

It can be very frustrating to focus on complex tasks when tired. Therefore, we suggest that you do the simplest tasks when you feel tired, such as filing documents, answering emails, or reorganizing your desk. As you complete these tasks, your energy will return.

Energizing scents to stay awake

Plan to place an essential oil diffuser or scented candles on your desk. Buy strong, energizing scents, such as citrus, jasmine, or peppermint. You can also rub or apply the essential oil to your temple and hands to help you stay awake and maintain your energy level.

Listen to some music

Listening to loud, energizing music, such as pop or rock, can sometimes help boost your energy level. If you work in a shared office, then you can wear headphones to avoid disturbing your colleagues.

The following lifestyle tips can help you stay sharp at work…

    • Avoid light sources before going to bed
    • Don’t take stimulants before going to sleep
    • Sleep in a quiet bedroom
    • Your daily routine should definitely include a nap
    • Limit your shift changes
    • Boost your daily physical activities
    • Avoid drinking and smoking

Managing fatigue at work

Fatigue at work can lead to a lack of productivity, and make your day less enjoyable. Fortunately, there are some solutions to help you stay awake and alert. In this regard, adopting certain lifestyle changes to promote sleep after work will help keep you awake and alert at work for the longer term.

When should I see a doctor?

It’s time to see a doctor if your fatigue or exhaustion is accompanied by the following symptoms:

    • Breathlessness
    • Chest pain
    • Severe abdominal, pelvic, or back pain
    • A rapid or irregular heartbeat

Make an appointment with a doctor if your fatigue has lasted for at least two weeks, despite a healthy diet, adequate rest, or efforts to reduce stress.

Which specialist should I consult?

Any physician can diagnose and treat fatigue or exhaustion, but it would be best to consult an endocrinologist, rheumatologist, or neurologist.

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