How to preserve your hearing and protect your ears

Published on 13/08/2018

How to preserve your hearing and protect your ears

The ear is a very vital body organ. A damaged ear can lead to hearing problems. This is why a lot of awareness is being raised about the need to protect our hearing, as well as the organ of hearing as such. In doing so, we draw attention to topics such as the prevalence of ear disorders, hearing loss, the need for early diagnosis, and the best choices for your hearing solution. Don’t wait until it’s too late to start taking care of your ears. We offer nine simple ways to take care of your ears and your hearing.

Use earplugs in noisy environments

Approximately 15% of Americans suffer from hearing loss due to frequent exposure in noisy recreational or work environments.
Clubs, discos, concerts, lawnmowers, chainsaws, and other noises that force you to shout so that the person next to you can hear you, create a dangerous level of noise. In such cases, it is best to protect your ears from noise. This is when the use of earplugs is indicated. These are practical, and can be obtained very easily. You can even consult your ENT specialist to have a pair of custom-made “noise-canceling” earplugs prescribed for you.
You can also use earplugs for music. These are made with filters that allow the person to listen to conversations and music simultaneously, but reduce the harmful level of sounds, while maintaining the original sound quality as much as possible.

Reduce the volume

According to the World Health Organization, at least 1.1 billion adolescents and young adults worldwide are at risk of hearing loss due to unsafe and inappropriate use of listening devices.
If you are used to listening to music with headphones or earphones, then you can protect your ears by following the 60/60 rule. In other words, it is suggested that you listen to no more than 60 minutes of music per day through headphones or earphones at a volume that never exceeds 60% of the maximum volume.
Headphones are more dangerous than other devices because they are placed directly next to the eardrums. It is recommended to use a headset instead.
Remember that any loud music, not just in your headphones, presents a risk of noise-induced hearing loss. If you are attending or hosting a party (as is often the case during the summer months), make sure that the volume of the music is set so that participants can converse without shouting.

Give your ears time to recover

If you are exposed to a noisy environment for an extended period of time, your ears will need time to recover. If you have the opportunity, leave the noisy area every 5 minutes so that your ears can rest. Studies have shown that the ears need at least 16 hours of quiet or silence to recover from a night of noise exposure.

Stop using cotton swabs in your ears

Many people are used to using cotton swabs to clean wax from their ears. However, such a practice is certainly not recommended. Indeed, it is quite normal, and even important, to have some earwax in the ears. These are self-cleaning organs, and this substance prevents dust and other harmful particles from entering the ear canal. Furthermore, inserting an object into the ear canals can damage important and sensitive organs such as the eardrum.
If you have excess earwax in your eardrum, you can gently wipe the ear canal with a damp towel. You can also use a wax removal solution for a few nights. This solution helps soften the earwax so that it eventually drains away on its own. In any case, the best solution is to consult a professional. You can find a qualified ENT specialist by clicking

Take only prescribed medications

Certain medications, such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (ibuprofen, aspirin, and naproxen), can sometimes contribute to hearing loss. Do not hesitate to consult your doctor if you are concerned that these medications may affect your hearing.

Keep your ears dry

Excessive moisture in your ears can allow bacteria to grow and damage the ear canal. This can cause otitis externa, or other types of ear infections. Also be sure to gently wipe your ears after each swim. If you feel water in your ear, tilt your head to the side and gently pull on the earlobe to release the water.
You can also make sure your ears stay dry by using custom earplugs for swimming. These plugs prevent water from entering the ear canal. In addition, they can be used by both adults and children. In this regard, do not hesitate to make an appointment with your health care professional.

Play sports

Did you know that exercising is good for your ears? In fact, cardiovascular exercises such as walking, jogging, or cycling promote blood flow to all parts of your body, including your ears. With this physical activity, the inner parts of the ears stay healthy and function optimally.
However, be careful! Always wear a helmet when you ride your bike. If you fall, and your head hits an object or the ground, a concussion can affect your hearing.

Manage your stress level

Studies have shown that stress and anxiety can cause tinnitus. In fact, high levels of stress cause your body to go into a self-defense or sleep mode. It is an instinctive reflex that fills you with adrenaline to help you fight or flee danger. This process puts pressure on your blood circulation, your nerves, your body heat, etc. It is generally believed that this stress and pressure can circulate in your inner ear, contributing to the symptoms of tinnitus.

Perform regular checks

Ask your doctor to include hearing tests as part of your regular check-ups, as hearing loss usually develops gradually. Therefore, it is also recommended to regularly consult an ENT specialist to have your hearing examined. This will help you recognize the signs of hearing loss and take action quickly.
Similarly, it is also advisable to act as quickly as possible. In addition to the deterioration of quality of life and social relationships, untreated hearing loss can also lead to other health problems such as dementia, cardiovascular disease and depression.

Need to find an ENT doctor near you? Go to the following website: You won’t regret your consultation!

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