Women’s Day – 10 tips for more energy
Published on 07/03/2018

The women are fantastic. They are the ones who give life, and ensure its maintenance. They are also the foundation of their family. In addition, most of them have jobs and responsibilities outside the home.
Most of the time, women also have a lot on their plate, but their energy and good performance are qualities that are often taken for granted. In addition to their stressful lifestyles, they have to deal with their menstrual cycle and hormonal changes, which can affect their mood, and their energy.
It is therefore easy to understand that it is not easy every day, and that women can easily get depressed, certainly at this time of the year, because of the winter. If you feel increasingly tired, and you seem to lack energy even after resting, then it would be advisable to consult a doctor.
However, if you are just looking for some tips to boost your energy, and be even more extraordinary and successful in your daily life, here are some tips to help you do just that:
Light foods:
It is essential to eat to replenish your energy and provide your body with the calories it needs to perform its daily tasks. However, some foods can be difficult to digest. Instead of providing energy to the body, it is pumped into the digestion of food. This is especially true during the winter months as we tend to crave comfort foods such as processed snacks, processed foods, high-fat meals, and even large amounts of meat or animal products. That’s why it’s best to stick to light, healthy meals and eat more fruits and vegetables. These will meet your energy needs by providing the necessary nutrients and calories, helping you feel light and energized, rather than sluggish and listless.
A good workout:
Exercising is also a good idea to help you feel refreshed. Whether it’s high-intensity cardio workouts, gentle stretching, or yoga sessions, physical exercises help increase blood flow to the muscles and brain. It is therefore a process that allows the oxygenation of our tissues, as well as the regeneration of the latter. Exercise also promotes the release of endorphins, which are the feel-good hormones. Moreover, the practice of sports increases self-esteem and helps regulate our metabolism. Thus, we feel healthier and more energetic.
A sleep cure:
When people diet, they watch what they eat, and the calories they take in. Likewise, they may obsess over gym workouts, as well as measuring their workouts. However, in their quest for health and wellness, few people think to monitor their sleep. So instead of thinking about a detoxification program, think about a sleep program.
Make it a priority to get 8 hours of sleep each night so that you feel refreshed and energized when you wake up. During your sleep, you allow your body to relax, regenerate, recover from daily activities, and thus fill up with energy. It also helps regulate your circadian rhythm, as well as the secretion of certain hormones. This will get you ready for spring!
The practice of pranayama:
Pranayama is a yoga practice that means breath control. Pranayama exercises consist of following specific rhythms for breathing in and out. If breathing exercises such as “Kapalbathi” or “Bhastrika” are practiced properly, they can improve the oxygen level in the bloodstream, and detoxify your system. However, it is important that these exercises be supervised by a professional yoga instructor, or pranayama specialist, so that exercises are not performed using the wrong technique, which could cause hyperventilation and dizziness.
Your close friends:
We’re not talking about your own literal friends (although that’s just as beneficial), but rather certain ingredients that can instantly improve your energy levels. In this respect, water is probably the most important element. Therefore, make sure you are well hydrated. Don’t hesitate to add lemon, ginger, and turmeric to your diet, as these are natural fortifiers that can help boost your energy levels. Foods and nutritional supplements that are part of the vitamin B family, and contain vitamin C and zinc, are other ways to boost your energy and increase your performance.
And your enemies from afar:
When we are tired, we usually turn to caffeine and/or sugar. While such ingredients may be perceived as excellent stimulants, they are not that healthy for your body. Caffeine may give you a short burst of energy, but it will soon fade away. On the other hand, consuming sugar will cause your insulin levels to rise, which will cause a hypoglycemic attack later on, prompting you to consume more sugar. It is also helpful to avoid alcohol in order to maintain good energy levels. And as we mentioned in our first tip, avoid foods that are difficult to digest, such as fatty meats, or highly processed foods.
The fullness of Prana :
Meditation is not only great for stress management, it also helps to replenish prana energy. In Eastern philosophy, prana is a universal energy. Unfortunately, it is not present in food or drink. From then on, only meditation allows access to prana energy. After releasing our thoughts, we are then able to connect to this universal source of prana energy, which can boost our energy, and improve our overall well-being.
A supply of vitamins:
At the end of the dark and gloomy winter period, it is very easy to find yourself with a vitamin D deficiency. So get out in the sun whenever you can, or consider taking supplements, as vitamin D deficiency is a known cause of fatigue. At the same time, don’t forget to stock up on essential minerals, such as iron, calcium, and magnesium, whose deficiencies usually result in a lack of energy, among other symptoms.
An instant pick-me-up with essential oils:
It seems that everyone loves essential oils, and rightfully so. Essential oils can be used for many, many purposes, including increasing your energy levels! So, you can opt for citrus essential oils, such as lemon and sweet orange, but you can also use your favorite aroma. These essential oils can be diffused in your home, mixed with water in a spray bottle, or placed in the palm of your hand to inhale their aroma. Essential oils contain chemical compounds in their aroma, which can improve your mood, and help you feel better.
Personal Health:
Personal health is important, including the things you love. To boost your energy levels, there’s nothing like being pampered, and being in the company of people who make you happy. Making yourself a priority is the best thing you can do for your well-being.
We need you, we love you, and you are special.
Have a great Women’s Day!
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